Lesson: Lesson 2 Make a budget and stick to it
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Unit 8 Buy, Sell, Trade Lesson 4 Make a budget and stick to it

Talk about budget

Speak and read

  1. Work in pairs. Look at the picture. What do you think Carl’s thinking?

What can you see on the notepad?


  Monthly budget



Allowance                     $160

Paper route                   $40


Fixed expenxes

Transportation              $60

Phone                           $12

School meals                $50


Varible expenses

Snacks                          $16

Going out                      $48



  1. A Match the definitions to words and phrases on the notepad.
  2. Regular cost that don’t change.
  3. A part-time job delivering newspapers.
  4. Costs that change from one month to the next.
  5. The money you are given or earn.
  6. Money from parents to pay for regular expenses and personal things.
  7. The amount of money you have to spend on things.

B Work in pairs. If you made a monthly budget, what similarities and     

                            differences would there be with Carl’s?

  1. Calculate the totals and savings in Carl’s budget. If he wants to buy sneakers that cost $45, how long will he need to save?
  2. A Work in pairs. What can Carl do to cut his costs or increase his income?
  3. Reflect Discuss these questions with the class.
  4. What are the benefits of making a monthly budget?
  5. Why can’t it be difficult to stick to a budget?
  6. What are the best ways to make your budget cover your needs?


Reflection Point

Making a budget has many benefits. It makes you aware of how you spend money and helps you to make better decisions about your spending. It’s also a good preparation for when you leave home and have to adapt your expenses to your income.


  1. Extend Write your monthly budget. Does your income cover your expenses? If not, what could you do to stick to your budget?


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