English for Communication E23204 M.3 2nd Semester

 Unit 7 Time for Work 

 Lesson 4 Understand how different cultures think about time

Read and speak

  1. Read the questionnaire and the answers from two students.

    What differences do you notice in the answers?

Questionnaire about time

Josh, USA                                                            Answer

  1. What time do you start school? 45
  2. What time do you have lunch? 30

How long is lunchtime?                               30 minutes

  1. Do stores close at lunchtime? No
  2. When do you finish school? 45
  3. What time do you have dinner? 30
  4. You’re meeting a friend at home or in a café,

or visit friends or family for dinner.

When do you arrive?                                             On time

  1. How do you feel when you have to wait? I hate waiting


          Luiza, Brazil                                              Answer

  1. What time do you start school?                               00
  2. What time do you have lunch?                                00

    How long is lunchtime?                                         45 minutes

  1. Do stores close at lunchtime?                                 No
  2. When do you finish school?                                   00 pm
  3. What time do you have dinner?                              00 pm
  4. You’re meeting a friend at home or in a café,

or visit friends or family for dinner.                         30-60 minutes late

When do you arrive?                                        

  1. How do you feel when you have to wait?           It’s not a problem
  2. Complete the questionnaire for you. Compare your answers with a partner. Then

     compare your answers with Josh and Luiza’s answers. What’s the same and different?

          It’s mine                                                     Answer

  1. What time do you start school?                               __________                  
  2. What time do you have lunch?                                __________                  

    How long is lunchtime?                                         __________                  

  1. Do stores close at lunchtime?                                  __________                  
  2. When do you finish school?                                   __________                  
  3. What time do you have dinner?                               __________                  
  4. You’re meeting a friend at home or in a café,          

or visit friends or family for dinner.                        

When do you arrive?                                             __________                        

  1. How do you feel when you have to wait? __________
  2. Read what Josh said to a friend.

    Why do you think both families were a little unhappy?

Last night Dad’s friend and his wife came to our house. He’s from Brazil. Dad said  seven o’clock and the food was all ready. They were a little surprised when we ate soon after. We finished very quickly. And they didn’t seem very happy when Mom went to bed after dessert.  

  1. Reflection point

In different cultures, people do things at different times and think about time in different ways. When you’re in a different country or meet people from different countries, try to understand their system.

  1. Reflect Discuss the questions with your class.

    Do you agree with the reflection point?

  1. How much true do you spend at the table at mealtimes?
  2. Which is more important for you: spending time with family and friends or

    doing homework and chores?

  1. In what situations is it ok or not ok to be late in your country?


                   In my country, people usually

It’s important to (spend a lot of time on?

It isn’t important to …

You should / have to …

You shouldn’t / mustn’t …

  1. Extend Work in pairs or a small group.

Write tips for visitors to your country. Include tips about time: when things happen and what visitors should or shouldn’t do.


                   In my country, people usually

It’s important to (spend a lot of time on?

It isn’t important to …

You should / have to …

You shouldn’t / mustn’t …