English for Communication E21203 Secondary 1 First Semester

Supplemental Subject Description
Foreign Language Level: Secondary 1
Code: E21205 English for Communication 14 First Semester Time: 20 hours
Percentile of Score: Final = 70:30 Total of units: 1.0
In this course, it is intended for beginning level students who wish to use English as a language for communication. To each student basic communicative language skills through careful presentation of vocabulary and through a gradual progress of speaking and listening exercises. Comparing leisure activities in the rural and in the urban areas.
Their ability to communicate well is one of the greatest assets anyone can possess by conversing to exchange data about themselves, various activities and situations in daily life. Sharing knowledge on how to reduced, recycle and reused. Speaking and writing to describe themselves, daily routines, experiences and the environment around them. Discussing and expressing ideas about educational system in other countries.
Searching for, collecting and summarizing the data/facts related to other learning sources and present them through speaking/writing. Using foreign language for communication in real situation/ simulated situations in the classroom and in school.
Specifying the topic and main idea by answering questions from listening dialogues, reading passages and short stories. Speaking and writing appropriately to express needs, offer help and agree and refuse to give help in various situations. Speaking and writing about the ways on how to save and economize and share each other opinions on budgeting.