Week 4 – Formative 1 Exam
Week 8 – Unit 6 Vacation Home (Ask how much something is)
Week 9 – Midterm Exam
Week 13 – Formative 2 Exam
Week 15 – Unit 8 Weather Report (Describe things in the past)
Week 16 – Unit 8 Weather Report (The Country)
Lesson: Vocabulary
About Lesson

mime show (การแสดงท่าทางโดยไม่ใช้คำพูด) : the use of movements of your hands or body and the expressions on your face to tell a story or to act something without speaking; a performance using this method of acting

carry (ถือ) : to have something with you and take it wherever you go

chat (พูดคุย) : to exchange messages with somebody on the internet, when you can see and reply to messages immediately and have a written conversation

dance (เต้น) : a series of movements and steps that are usually performed to music; a particular example of these movements and steps

drive (ขับรถ) : to operate a vehicle so that it goes in a particular direction

fly (บิน) : to move through the air, using wings

point (ชี้) : to direct other people’s attention to something by holding out your finger towards it

run (วิ่ง) : to move using your legs, going faster than when you walk

shop (ซื้อ) : an act of going shopping, especially for food and other items needed in the house

sit (นั่ง) : to rest your weight on your bottom with your back straight, for example on/in a chair

stand (ยืน) : to be on your feet; to be in a vertical position

swim (ว่ายน้ำ) : to move through water by moving your arms and legs, without touching the bottom

talk (คุย) :  to say things; to speak in order to give information or to express feelings, ideas, etc.

wait (รอ) : to stay where you are or delay doing something until somebody/something comes or something happens

wear (สวมใส่) : wear something to have something on your body as a piece of clothing, a decoration, etc. 

Exercise Files
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Week 4 – Formative 1 Exam
Week 8 – Unit 6 Vacation Home (Ask how much something is)
Week 9 – Midterm Exam
Week 13 – Formative 2 Exam
Week 15 – Unit 8 Weather Report (Describe things in the past)
Week 16 – Unit 8 Weather Report (The Country)
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